
What is a Location?

A location is a standalone building with an address of its own where inventory is stored. Examples include a company's headquarters, a plant, an offsite warehouse, a hospital, a clinic, or a retail outlet.  

What is a Room?

A room is a site within a location. Locations typically have various rooms where inventory is stored. Examples include a storeroom, a warehouse, a supply closet, a patient room, or an exam room. Rooms can also be narrowed down more granularly, for example, "Storeroom 1, Rack A", "Storeroom 1, Rack B" or "Rack D, Shelf 3".

What is a User?

A user is an individual that is registered within the Scan IM app that has a unique email and password.

What is a Unique Item?

A unique item is a specific inventory item that has a distinctive identifier (product number, SKU, UPC, etc.) and description. The item quantity does not affect the unique item entry count nor will having unique items in multiple rooms and/or locations. For example, you can have 100 blue pens all with the same identifier located in a supply closet and a storeroom, which would count as one unique item entry.

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