
Why won't my phone or computer scan an item barcode?

Scan IM can read commonly used barcode types such as Code39, Code128, Data Matrix, and others. The ability to read barcodes using the camera on your phone or computer is dependent on the quality of the printed barcode and the ambient lighting near the barcode and camera. Poorly printed barcodes can make it difficult to read the barcode. Very bright lighting might make it difficult to distinguish the difference between black and white bars. Even a shadow over the barcode will prevent a successful read. 

We offer a companion scanner that pairs easily with your devices via Bluetooth. For a superior barcode scanning experience, we highly recommend using the companion scanner. 

Why does logging in take so long?

Scan IM maintains a copy of your inventory in your browser's local storage. This reduces item inquiry time and allows for limited data updates when your browser is offline.  When you log in to Scan IM, we sync your database.  The larger your database, the more time it takes to sync which could cause a delay when logging in. 

Logging In From Multiple Devices

Users can be logged in on a maximum of two devices at any given time. 

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